Throwing caution to the wind and letting our private LLM bot loose on the hallowed Cheltenham turf to see how it
performs. It made the following selections, and we have not curated its choices or supporting evidence.
Imagine the scenario: "Two horses abreast heading for the final hurdle in a
major handicap race of the Cheltenham Festival and one of those contenders
('Neigh Sayer') has £20 each-way of your hard-earned cash pinned on its
success at 20/1. You can already anticipate congratulations from your
mates on this successful
convex bet..." As Weekend Warriors, we all dream of such improbable successes!
Live Longshot:
Now consider asking a ChatGPT-like private LLM bot to select (and justify)
those bets for you. For the upcoming Cheltenham Festival, we are hopeful
(though not guaranteeing) that we will provide some recommendations (from
our Live-Longshot bot) for a few of the more challenging
Imagine a lively casino brimming with daydreamers hoping to spin meagre
coins into great fortunes one bet at a time. Others position themselves on
the sidelines, cheerfully tallying the incoming bets. The daydreamers are
the players, and the sideliners are the house.
In the bustling arena of sports trading, a hidden force exists called
volatility drag: the mathematical difference between
geometric and arithmetic averages. This difference resembles a tax due to
the mathematics, which imposes a lower compound return when returns vary
over time. This difference between the average outcome that a
bookmaker tallies (from countless eager bettors) and a single bettor's
actual lived experience can become very wide.
To illustrate, we have created a
Betting Strategy Simulator
that reveals how luck may bolster or batter your bankroll.
Two Sides of the Same Bet
Time Perspective (Median)
Regard this perspective as the lone trader, placing
multiple bets in sequence. Each triumph or tumble weighs heavily on
their well-being. Over many tries, their median final bankroll
can suffer from volatility drag, meaning a few unlucky tumbles may gouge
deeper than occasional victories can heal.
Ensemble Perspective (Mean)
Consider the bookmaker presiding over a torrent of simultaneous wagers.
In that swirling chaos, all results average out. While heartbreak and
jubilation strike individuals, the house sees a calm, aggregated mean
that, if well-calculated, coasts along in a far more stable fashion than
a single bankroll can hope for.
Key Parameters
Probability of Winning: A Percentage.
Odds: For example, odds of 2.30 yield the stake plus
130% more if we win.
Stake: The size of each bet (percentage).
Number of Bets: Length of the trader's journey or the
repeated steps over which the bookmaker aggregates.
Number of Simulations: Number of scenario replications.
Running Simulation
Enter probability, odds, stake, and so on.
Click on Run Simulation to launch the simulation.
Monte Carlo (Time) Results: The
Median Final Bankroll for the solitary trader forging
through a sequence of wagers. The geometric rise (or descent!)
becomes evident here.
Monte Carlo (Ensemble) Results: The
Mean Final Bankroll from the vantage of the house. With
each bet in parallel, the chaos yields a predictable average — an
expected value.
Under the Hood
Time: We line up
traders, each living out
consecutive bets. Their final bankrolls vary widely, but the
median is the honest sentinel of their fortunes.
Ensemble: We replicate
parallel bets for each of
rounds, calculate the mean outcome each time, and watch the
bankroll grow in that aggregated manner.
Volatility Drag: If there is one lesson to learn, it is
that a 50% dip requires a
100% surge to climb out of the pit. The bigger the
stake, the more each stumble stings — and volatility seldom shows
Reading Results
Single Bettor's Plight
The median bankroll can unravel if luck sends you through a
rough patch. Even with a favourable win probability, sustained
drawdowns hurt more than fleeting upticks help.
Parallel Paradise
The bookmaker's many concurrent bets form a serene environment where
the mean bankroll (averaged across countless outcomes)
marches forward in lockstep with the basic mathematics of expected
Practical Wisdom
As a punter, carefully consider the violent power of sequential
losses. Bankroll management becomes your shield, lest a string of
flops knock you out.
As the house or aggregator of bets, relax behind a wide net of
players, diluting the wilder swings of misfortune.
Looking Forward
Volatility drag is a subtle and cunning opponent that
shrinks big dreams. The simulator reminds us that
mean vs. median can diverge drastically. The sports
trader sees the ephemeral illusions of large short-term gains, recognising
the risk that a run of losses can carve away capital faster than big wins
can restore it. Meanwhile, the bookmaker basks in the calm assurance of
ensembles: a stable accumulation of profits gleaned from the grand churn
of wagers.
If nothing else, remember that early wins are crucial in the time
dimension but not so in the Ensemble dimension!
Note: An LLM generated the first draft of this post based on our
simulator code listing.
In data analysis applied to horse racing (Equus Analytics), we frequently draw inspiration and fresh insights from other
disciplines. Today, we are focusing on an adaptation of
Evan Miller's
Bayesian method for handling up-down vote scenarios in online content
ranking. To that end, we have two primary goals:
Work with minimal data, and
Identify convex bets (live longshots).
It is always intriguing to determine what insights we can infer when
working with minimal data (e.g. horse lifetime record):
This situation frequently arises when trading foreign (e.g. international)
racing circuits (e.g. Hong Kong, Japan), which have exceptional racing
industries but for which we do not have detailed past performance records
for most horses.
Bayesian Foundation
At its core, the Bayesian average rating system provides a statistically
valid way to rank items based on positive and negative feedback,
accounting for uncertainties due to limited data. In the context of
up-down votes, it is straightforward: items receive up-votes (successes)
and down-votes (failures), and we wish to rank them to balance their
average rating with our confidence in that rating.
Translating this to horse racing, we consider:
Events Placed: Number of times a horse has finished
"in the money" (e.g., first, second, or third).
Events Unplaced: Number of times a horse has raced but
did not finish "in the money".
Time Since Placed/Unplaced: Time elapsed since the
horse's last placed or unplaced finish, allowing us to weigh recent
performances more heavily than older ones.
The Bayesian model requires a prior belief and adjusts this belief based
on new evidence. Here's how we adapt the model:
Prior Beliefs (Pseudo-Events): Assign each horse a
baseline level of performance. This prevents horses with very few races
from being unfairly ranked at the extremes due to insufficient data.
Updating with New Data: Each horse's actual race
outcomes are added to the prior beliefs, giving us the total
"events placed" and "events unplaced".
Exponential Decay of Events: To ensure that recent
performances have more impact, we apply an exponential decay to the
events based on the time since they occurred. This approach mirrors how
specific online platforms weigh newer votes more heavily than older
Computing the Bayesian Rating: We calculate the
Bayesian average rating (the "sorting criterion") using the
beta distribution, which balances the observed data and the uncertainty
inherent in limited or decayed data.
Code Walkthrough
Below is an excerpt of the Python implementation. For brevity, we'll focus
on the key components.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.special import betaincinv
import time
new_state = state.copy()
ratings_df = pd.DataFrame(new_state['new_ratings'])
ratings_df.rename(columns={'name': 'entry_id'}, inplace=True)
# Add prior beliefs (pseudo-events)
ratings_df['events_placed'] += new_state['pseudo_events_placed']
ratings_df['events_unplaced'] += new_state['pseudo_events_unplaced']
# Convert time since last events to absolute times
current_time = time.time()
ratings_df['last_placed_time'] = current_time - ratings_df['time_since_placed']
ratings_df['last_unplaced_time'] = current_time - ratings_df['time_since_unplaced']
new_state['ratings'] = ratings_df
return new_state
In 'initialize_ratings', we set up our DataFrame with the horse entries,
adjust for prior beliefs, and calculate the timestamps.
The 'decay_events' function applies exponential decay to the events. While
we lack individual timestamps for all events, using the time since the
last events (i.e. placed and unplaced) provides a pragmatic approximation
under current data limitations.
Here, 'construct_sorting_criterion' computes the Bayesian rating using the
inverse incomplete beta function, factoring in our desired level of
caution via the 'loss_multiple'.
Worked Example
Let us consider a race with several horses and their performance data:
After running the code, we obtain the following rankings:
5. Echo
8. Hotel
11. Kilo
3. Charlie
1. Alpha
Ratings: The Bayesian rating computed for each horse.
S/P (Starting Price): The odds offered at the start of
the race.
F/P (Finishing Position): The horse's finishing
position in the race.
Notably, four of the top five horses in our rankings secured the first
four positions in the race (as indicated in the 'F/P' column).
Interestingly, Echo, with a starting price of 20/1, was
ranked highest by our model and finished third. This suggests that the
Bayesian approach might help identify "live longshots" horses
with higher odds that have a reasonable chance of performing well.
An astute observer might point out that applying decay to the total event
count based solely on the time since the last event is not entirely
accurate. Ideally, we would decay each event individually based on when it
occurred. However, lacking detailed timestamps, our current method
provides a reasonable approximation, especially if:
Event Timing is Similar Across Entries: If most horses
have events spaced similarly over time, the relative decay applied will
be consistent.
Recent Performance is Indicative: If a horse's most
recent performance strongly indicates its current form, weighting events
based on the last event may be defensible.
While this is not a perfect solution, the model's success in our worked
example suggests it holds practical value.
Power of Bayesian Analysis
This adaptation of the Bayesian average rating system demonstrates that we
can extract meaningful insights even from minimal data with some
mathematical ingenuity and a pragmatic approach to data limitations. The
model doesn't guarantee winners but offers a statistically sound method to
rank horses beyond surface-level metrics.
By highlighting horses like Echo, the model can point out
potential value bets with favourable odds that may have slipped under the
radar of the casual punter.
Moving Forward
For those interested in refining this approach:
Gather More Data: To improve the decay function,
collect timestamps for individual events.
Experiment with Parameters: Adjust the 'half_life' and
'loss_multiple' to see how sensitive the model is to these parameters.
Re-Define Priors: Adjust 'pseudo_events_placed' and
'pseudo_events_unplaced' to see how sensitive the model is to these priors.
While we must remain mindful of the model's limitations, this Bayesian
approach provides a solid starting point for horse racing analysis with
minimal data. It blends statistical rigour with practical application.
As with all forms of betting and analysis, there are no certainties; there
are only probabilities. This model helps us navigate those probabilities
with more confidence, perhaps shining a light on those "live
Note: The first draft of this post was generated by an LLM from our
Python code listing and Evan Miller's original article.
Thursday, October 03, 2024
Expected Value (EV) and Likely Profit (LP)
Expected Value (EV) and Likely Profit (LP)
In betting analysis, there is a strong emphasis on only selecting Value
Bets. To this end, we are advised to calculate the Expected Value (EV) of
a proposed bet and, if the result is positive, then we have a potential
value bet. However, this approach is very short-sighted as outlined below.
This will lead us to add an additional metric - Likely Profit (LP) - and the
Dual-Metric Decision Algorithm (DMDA).
We will focus on this canonical betting example:
Initial Bankroll (B)
Markets (M)
Decimal Odds (O)
Win Probability (P)
Stake Fraction (F)
First, let us calculate the Win Balance (WB) and the Loss Balance (LB) in
percentage terms. WB is the state of the bankroll after a winning bet and
LB is the state of the bankroll after a losing bet. WB and LB are
calculated as follows:
is equal to:
EV represents the average profit or loss per unit staked over a large
number of bets, assuming the same odds and probability hold true.
But, to evaluate the bet in terms of our specific circumstances, we need
an additional metric - Likely Profit (LP).
is equal to:
LP represents the expected growth rate of the bankroll over a series of
bets, assuming the same odds and probability hold true. It takes into
account the compounding effect of wins and losses.
Also, the
and the
are equivalently:
Note: Likely Profit (LP) is equivalent to expected bankroll growth!
This leads naturally to our Dual Metric Decision Algorithm (DMDA), which
is best exemplified with the following Python snippet:
if ev_per_unit > 0and lp_per_unit > 0:
decision = 'Favorable bet; consider proceeding.'elif ev_per_unit > 0and lp_per_unit <= 0:
decision = 'Positive EV but negative LP; reconsider stake size.'else:
decision = 'Negative EV; generally avoid this bet.'
Returning to our example above, we can calculate the various metrics as
Decision: Since both EV and LP per unit are positive, this is a
favorable bet.
While the traditional EV approach can be useful for identifying potential
value bets, it fails to capture the full picture when considering the
long-term impact of betting decisions. By introducing Likely Profit (LP)
as a complementary metric, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding
of the expected bankroll growth over a series of bets. This dual-metric
approach allows for a more nuanced decision-making process, enabling
bettors to make informed choices that align with their individual risk
profiles and long-term goals. However, the DMDA is a simplified approach
and should be further refined. What is presented here is a starting point
for this approach, and further research and development are needed to
refine and optimize this framework for practical application in real-world
betting scenarios.