Thursday, May 31, 2018

CsvPredictor: Turns Historical Record Into Mini Prediction System

CsvPredictor turns a historical record in CSV format into a mini prediction system. The program is completely agnostic with respect to the domain knowledge captured in the file (e.g. weather conditions, successful movies, past performances). 
Running CsvPredictor.exe with a valid csv file will result in a QnA session based on the salience of the features (columns), effectively, turning a standard flat file into a data mining classification tree
For example, whether or not to play ball given current weather conditions:
    C:\CsvPredictor>CsvPredictor.exe PlayBall.csv
    CsvPredictor v2.41
    Input File: "PlayBall.csv" (14 records and 4 features)
    Top Features (Salience)
    Outlook   0.46176
    Humidity  0.36618
    Wind      0.11693
    Q. Is Outlook  =  ["Overcast"; "Rainy"; "Sunny"]?  Sunny
    Q. Is Humidity =  ["High"; "Normal"]?  Normal
    A. Predict: PlayBall = True
or checking the likelihood of a new movie being a blockbuster!
    C:\CsvPredictor>CsvPredictor.exe Movies.csv
    CsvPredictor v2.41
    Input File: "Movies.csv" (2690 records and 5 features)
    Top Features (Salience)
    Budget              0.34871
    Genre               0.26719
    Production Country  0.24084
    Runtime             0.11430
    Q. Is Budget =  ["<=15000000.00"; "<=44263333.33"; "<=380000000.00"]? 
    Q. Is Genre =  ["Action"; "Adventure"; "Animation"; "Comedy"; "Crime"; 
                    "Documentary"; "Drama"; "Family"; "Fantasy"; "Foreign"; 
                    "History"; "Horror"; "Music"; "Mystery"; "Romance"; 
                    "Science Fiction"; "Thriller"; "War"; "Western"]?  
    Q. Is Production Country =  ["Australia"; "Canada"; "Hong Kong"; 
                                 "Ireland"; "United Kingdom";
                                 "United States of America"]?  
                                 United States of America
    Q. Is Runtime =  ["<=99.47"; "<=115.00"; "<=248.00"]?  <=115.00
    Q. Is Release Month =  ["<=5.00"; "<=9.00"; "<=12.00"]?  <=12.00
    A. Predict: Success = True
Note, it is very important to state that this program is only intended to provide an easy entry-point to data analytics for handicappers and is, in no way, intended to replace the advice and expertise of professional data analysts and statisticians!

Sunday, May 06, 2018

ExMachina Handicapping Rules (Excel Add-In)

Many of us spend countless hours trawling through historical records in a vain attempt to gain new insights into the key fundamental factors that will enhance our sports handicapping. Unfortunately, our innate cognitive biases (e.g. anchoring, availability, confirmation) continually invade all attempts at a quasi-scientific approach to data mining. Ideally, we would like a quick-fix solution to this dilemma – no new learning required and automatically works with available tools!

To that end, enter the ExMachina Excel Add-In (32-bit and 64-bit), which takes as input a CSV file of historical data and outputs a set of decision rules. In brief, the goal is to identify the most salient attributes in the data file and to create a set of rules based on that specific subset. Note, it is very important to state that this Excel Add-In is only intended to provide an easy entry-point to data analytics for handicappers and is, in no way, intended to replace the advice and expertise of professional data analysts and statisticians.

If you are interested in reviewing how the Excel Add-In works, then download the following MP4 file – ExMachina Handicapping Rules.